Storing seeds can be tricky many seeds can stay viable for many years if stored right. We will talk a bit here on the best ways to store seeds. Viability of seeds will decline if seeds are not stored right. If stored at room temperature and it fluctuates up and done it will lower the germination rates. They need low humidity with a temperature of about 38f to 46f if stored for long periods of time. Seeds will need to stay very dry so a dry dark spot many people will use a metal ammo box of a dark airtight plastic storage container. If using a container you can put all your seed packages in and put a silica gel packs in this will take up and moisture that is in the container during storage. Some people will store in fridge we don’t recommend this for long term as door is open and closed many times so temperature will go up and down. But if stored in fridge for 6 to 8 months it may be fine. A glass jar sealed works well also it is said that some people have stored seeds and planted 15 to 20 years later and they did fine. This is just a few ideas of how to store seeds after all the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian Island of Spitsbergen stores the Worlds Seed Supply. We hope this gives you ideas for seed storage as everyone is setup different for storing seeds or growing seeds. Every ones seed storage experience and seed growing experience is different.